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Encounter Prayer is a way of connecting directly to God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 

It is a way of prayer that you can use on your own, with others, or when leading a group.
It allows people to bring anything they want to God and opens the door for him to touch whatever parts of their lives he wishes.
Click below to go to our dedicated encounter prayer website

We've just added a NEW 5 session course called 'Exploring encounterprayer' which can be done on your own or in a group setting

A church leader's experience of Encounter Prayer

“I have experienced and used a number of “models” of prayer ministry in my 30 years of ministry and have seen the Lord heal on many occasions.  However, I have also witnessed people come for ministry and their physical symptoms or their other disclosed problems not being removed, which can lead to a disappointment with God.  When I first heard of what John Ryeland and his team were doing, I was excited because their focus is not upon a person’s problems but upon enabling them to encounter the living God.  This focus enables people to receive God’s touch upon their lives as He chooses and allows the Holy Spirit to minister powerfully.  This “model” of prayer ministry also takes the pressure off the prayer minister to find out the “root” of the problem or to “fix” the person, allowing God to be the One who reigns over the ministry.  As a church, our prayer ministry team have adopted the “Encounter way” of praying for people.”

Revd. Jane Hulme

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